Different Methods of Charging Your Electric Car at Home

Posted on April 23, 2022 in Energy/Health/Tech

Did you know that around 80% of all-electric car charging occurs at home?

One of the biggest concerns among those thinking of buying an electric vehicle (EV) is how and where to charge up their car. The idea of heading to the gas station to fill up continues, and they think about how that will change when they switch to electric power.

However, charging an electric car at home is often the safest, cheapest, and most convenient way to stay on the road.

This article looks at the rise of EVs, the various charging options available to electric vehicle owners, and how New Home Inc can get your household EV ready without delay.

The Rise of Electric Vehicles in the US

The electric car industry is still young, and technological breakthroughs continue rapidly. Nevertheless, some brands have already made a name for themselves for one reason or another. When you think of pure electric vehicles, you likely think of Tesla. Likewise, when you consider hybrids, there’s every chance the Toyota Prius springs to mind.

While the Tesla Model Y comfortably outsold the competition in 2021 – comfortably beating Tesla’s own Model 3 into second place – you’ll find cars from Ford, Chevrolet, Volkswagen, and more on the bestseller lists.

The government aims to ban the sale of gas-powered vehicles by 2035 as part of ongoing climate concerns. That means it’s already time to start thinking about the impact EVs might have on your daily routine.

As gas stations fall in importance, it’s also a fantastic opportunity to take control of your fuel usage needs.

Charging an Electric Car at Home – Your Options

Electric vehicles and hybrids have been around for a while. As such, we move ever closer to standardizing charging across vehicles and power outlets. However, there remains some fragmentation in the system. Homeowners that require garage electric car charging have a number of options available to them.

Level 1 Charging – AKA The Wall Outlet

Believe it or not, you can plug an electric car into the wall, just as you would with a cell phone or TV. Manufacturers that sell vehicles in the US are required to include a 120-volt level 1 portable charger. This hooks up to the car’s internal charger at one end and the wall outlet at the other.

Before you have visions of running a cable through the front window and deciding you’re good to go, do keep in mind that this is the most inefficient way to charge an EV imaginable.

You can expect between three and five miles of driving range per hour spent charging. For context, the bestselling Model Y has a range of 330 miles. That’s around four days for a full charge, which isn’t ideal for the daily commute.

Level 2 Charging – The Domestic (Should be)Standard

Level 2 charging is the domestic standard(it is with New Home Inc). Its enhanced capabilities stem, in part, from doubling the voltage. While a 120V outlet is excellent for coffee makers, TVs, and painfully slow vehicle charging, the 240V of level 2 charging makes it a far more realistic option for domestic use.

Some homes are already equipped with level 2 outlets, just not in the garage. If something requires more power than a small domestic appliance, such as a range oven, you might already have a level 2 outlet on your property. That doesn’t mean you can unplug your range or electric dryer and run an extension cord to your car. However, level 2 outlets are easily distinguishable from their level 1 counterparts as they use three or four prongs.

Most importantly of all, this level of electric vehicle charging is far more appropriate for the demands of a family vehicle. In addition, there’s a broad range of charging speeds, as a level 2 outlet can handle various power levels. That’s one reason why they’re not only great for domestic use but also the most common choice for public charging stations.

You can expect anywhere from twelve to sixty miles of charge per hour in practice. If you opt for a portable charger, which plugs into your 240V outlet like any other appliance, expect something near the lower end. Alternatively, you’ll start approaching the upper range if you decide on a hardwired wall-mounted charger linked directly to your domestic electricity supply.

Going somewhere down the middle and using forty miles as an example, that Model Y will be filled up and ready to go in around eight hours. That’s more than enough time between getting home from work and heading out the following morning – and your daily commute probably doesn’t empty your battery entirely anyway!

A Note on Other Chargers – Level 3 and Beyond

Level 2 chargers are commonplace not only at home but out and about too. Most public spaces that provide charging facilities use the standard. However, you might encounter other chargers outside the home, such as Tesla’s own Superchargers.

They’re an incredible sight when you need to fill up fast. Level 3 charging is powerful enough to refill over half of a typical electric car battery in under 30 minutes. However, these chargers aren’t suitable for home use. You’re more likely to find them at an environmentally-conscious rental lot than in a suburban garage.

There are several reasons for this. However, most EV owners stop wondering about the possibilities when they hear about the specialized electrical infrastructure required to make these speeds happen. If that doesn’t do it, then maintenance costs on that infrastructure of up to $50,000 per year often make level 2 charging sound like a great idea.

Electric Vehicle Plugs

While the charging station itself is often the primary consideration, it’s also worth noting the different plugs exist. Fortunately, while car manufacturers always seek an edge over the competition, they can work together when it makes sense.

In this case, that means that virtually every electric car sold in the US will use the type 1 single-phase plug. It’s not a significant consideration, as even if your vehicle has a different plug, you’ll be able to either buy an adapter or change the cable from your charging station.

Electric Vehicle Charging comes included with New Home Inc

There are many great reasons to buy a new build home over resale, especially when you buy through New Home Inc.

If you’ve got an electric vehicle or a hybrid, or you plan to buy one in the future, you can take advantage of the fact that we sell new-build homes not only for today but also for the future.

The rise of electric vehicle ownership is inevitable until, ultimately, gas automobiles will be a niche interest at best. Home charging is the way forward, both for cost and convenience purposes, and that’s why every New Home Inc home comes with a level 2 charging outlet in the garage as standard.

When adding electric vehicle charging to a property, you have to consider:

  • The location and whether to position your charger indoors or outdoors
  • The price, which can often run anywhere from $800 to $5,000 depending on the complexity of the job
  • Finding a qualified electrician to carry out the work to a high standard – and not every electrician is certified to work with EV charging stations
  • The quality of your existing wiring
  • Dozens of manufacturers and different units, some of which might not be suitable

When moving into a New Home Inc home, you can cut those four considerations down to just one: when you want to plug in and start charging.

We design homes to be as efficient and impressive as possible. That extends not only to what our buyers can see but also to what goes on behind the scenes. For example, the location of the charging station, along with providing sufficient power for optimal charging, is an integral part of the design process. We put the charging station where you need it, and ensure it has all the power it needs for a smooth ride every day.

Our new home buyers face none of the challenges involved with adding electric car charging to their homes. Instead, they can plug in and charge up from the moment they arrive, safe in the knowledge that their vehicle is being powered to the highest possible standards.

Get in Touch for a Home for Today and for the Future

The New Home Inc team has more than 70 years of combined experience. We take great pride in designing and building homes that people want to live in right now and will stand the test of time.

Electric vehicle charging as standard is just one way in which we equip our homes with lasting innovation. Charging an electric car at home will become as essential to domestic living as the internet and running water in the coming years. Fortunately, we’re confident you won’t want to move before it happens!

Take a look at our available homes here on the site, and if you have any questions or would like more information on what we do, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

The post Different Methods of Charging Your Electric Car at Home appeared first on New Home Inc.